Thursday, September 12, 2024

Bridging The Gap Between Hate and Healing America


      Notes from the bullpen.  Welcome to the election year from hell.  Everybody who knows me also know that I am a USAF veteran and retiree.  I am also a moderate Republican.  Yet, I am also an American and still fully support the ideals on which this country was founded.  Currently 71 years of age, I have voted in every single election, local and national since I turned 18.  I know that to many this may seem futile, but I have availed myself of my constitutional right, my responsibility actually.  I haven't been happy with the direction my country has been heading for about 16 years now.  The debt is spiraling out of control and there is so much foreign ownership of our land and influence of our politics it's staggering.  It's very nearly collateral of our debt and all the money borrowed from China.  The border is a joke and literally hundreds of thousands of criminals, cartel and gang members, and possible terrorists enter daily.  There are, of course, many immigrants with a dream looking for a better life, but they are no longer the majority.  We are spending TONS of money on these people and other countries problems while millions here at home are deeply in need.  Let's face it, the Ukraine has been a money laundering operation from the beginning.  Billions spent on the influx of illegal population that our own citizens can't enjoy although they are more entitled.  Taxing the heart and soul of middle and lower-class Americans to pay for programs that give to who knows whatever.  

             I realize that many Americans hate Trump.  I myself wish he would be more Presidential and less Billy the Kid, but his policies are solid.  BOTH sides have done plenty of ‘name calling’.  You only must look what has happened to our country and economy in the past 3 ½ years to see that THIS IS NOT working.  3 ½ years later you cannot blame this on Trump.  Harris has been in office just as long and has contributed nothing.  She is spinning the narrative that she can fix on Day #1 what she has let happen during her current tenure.  Of course, the media is spinning this, much of which is dictated by the current administration, so they continue to grant permission for the MSM to have access to the POTUS.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used often to skew just about anything you want, the truth being the most tragic casualty.  AI can be as demonstrated, dangerous.  The debate was a travesty.  Harris will not even consider an appearance unless she controls the narrative and the outcome.  Is the voting process next?!?!?  Although the increasing divisiveness has created a divide between Americans never before seen, most of us aren't stupid.  I only ask you to stop; look within your soul and LOOK PAST THE HATE, focus on the issues, the current situation, and what we have given up the past 3 ½ years.  If you hate our current situation, then don't totally blame the corporations, but the administration that not only allowed this to happen but enabled it.  What will our country look like if this continues.  Are you satisfied with the economy, federal deficit, the border/immigration, rising crime, gas prices and dependance on foreign oil regulation?  Everyone complains about the brutal tax burden.  Do you really think it won’t get worse with a continuance of the same party platform?  Slow your roll and look at the FACTS.  REGARDLESS OF THE CANDIDATE, which is best for ALL OF US?  Are you willing to possibly sink our country just from the hate of a candidate, are you?  Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?  Think about that one.  

      I am also troubled by the fact that if the Republicans win this year, America could become 'scorched earth'.  Unless they control both the House and Senate, Congress could become a logjam, stopping any real progress.  Filibuster will become the 'norm'.  If the Democrats can't have it all their way, they'll happily watch us burn to the ground.  Protests, riots, fires, and those left in Congress endorsing it, creating such a mess that it will make the past 4 years look like summer camp.  They already advertise for people to perform these tasks for $.  I wonder if they count this as creating jobs?  They so hate the rich yet Biden is worth nearly a Billion, Obama has 3 mansions, Clinton is worth $80 million, and Pelosi is worth $280 million.  They'll continue their narrative of 'make the rich pay their fair share', but in reality, they'll never bite the hand that feeds them. This entitled, radical sentiment that has been growing for the past 20 years unfortunately reflects the deterioration of American values and is an indictment of what our society is turning into.  If the Democrats do win and keep control, get ready.  We're already circling the drain.  Vote your conscience.  It's no longer the value of American people put on voting, it's the corruption of the system.    Let morality and integrity prevail.  

Matthew 7-15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

"Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process"
Hillary Clinton

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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Jaeger Sobe

       Jaegar Sobe is a German Hunters dish.  Very much like Jager schnitzel, this dish is kind of a hybrid between German and Oriental cuisine, finishing off with Chinese Noodles or American mashed taters all the way.  It works equally well with beef stew meat or even pork.  Easy to make and not time consuming.  Full bellies, warm hearts. 

1 cup sautéed beef or venison, cut into 1” chunks

1/4 onion - minced

2 tablespoons butter

1 cup large, chopped mushrooms (choice) 

1/2 cup red wine

1/4 cup soy sauce

Brown gravy

Chinese noodles or Ramen

Sauté meat in skillet oil until tender.  Sauté’ onions in butter until very tender.  Add mushrooms and sauté for an additional 2- 3 minutes.  Add gravy and wine, simmer and reduce by half.  Add soy sauce and continue simmer.  Serve over beef and potatoes or noodles with Green Beans on the side.


'Ein voller Bauch ist ein glücklicher Bauch'

German Proverb

"Kore wa dare no aideadeshita ka"

Japanese Analogy

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