Ann Arbor VA Medical Center
Leaving Poplar Bluff, MO we couldn't get into Iowa due to the Des Moines River Bridge closure and if so we couldn't have left due to the rising Mississippi from Minneapolis to Memphis. Add to this the RV converter problems with one OTR repair bill and this has been one hell of a winter. So we sashayed east, stopping at Effingham, IL and Straughn, IN on our way back here. We arrive once again in Monroe, MI setting up camp at Harbortown RV Park so that we may finish out Barb's medical appointment follow ups at VA Hospital Ann Arbor. It is surreal that we just left here 87 days ago. We arrived a day early so that we may establish ourselves and settle the pets before a schedule of 3 appointments in 3 days. 40 miles each way from Monroe to Ann Arbor and return; we've been though this before. I pretty sure we know our way around the area.
Barb has been feeling much better since her last visit here. The meds the VA prescribed really worked well. She discovered that she still has difficulty with spicy food or anything tomato based. An easy fix, menu wise. It really hasn't been much of a winter vacation for us. 67 days here, then south to get away for awhile by ourselves as well as visit friends and family. Not wasted time, just too damned fast. At least we came back with our freezers loaded with goodies, new tires, and the truck checked out head to toe for whatever works out for us this summer.
Monday, the 25th came soon enough. Up early and off to Ann Arbor we were. She had a follow up Endoscopy in the morning and a bone density scan, normal for newly anointed senior citizens in the afternoon. We were incredibly relieved that she would be seen by the same doctor as our last visit. Dr. Prahbu is an excellent specialist with a good manner and fully open about everything.
Yes, Dr. Prabhu is a Michigan Guy
The Endoscopy came back fine with the ulcer fully healed. The bone scan was very normal with final results in a few weeks. In fact we got into Nuclear Medicine 3 hours early due to a cancellation! Doc still wants another Scan with a Contrasting fluid to track things. This will be scheduled in the next 2 weeks. We treated ourselves to lunch at Red Robin, the first time we'd been there; pretty good, but a bit pricey. We both LOVED the nap we got when we returned to the RV early. We hoped the next day would go not only just as smoothly, but be much more conclusive.

We arrived at the hospital bright and early at 8 a.m. We were both a bit nervous about this one. Doc just said there is a spot he wants to look at on the small intestine they can't see with the Endoscopy. This is an easy, painless procedure, but can be noisy. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body. I had one on my torn knee a few years ago and it sounds like a monkey trying to beat his way out of a 55 gallon drum with a hammer. It takes about an hour. The patient just lays there.

The MRI and associated blood work went fine, but it will take a couple of days for results. Another day of hope. We were once again rewarded with an early arrive back at the RV and unexpected opportunity to nap, although today was more for Barb. Poor girl is just tuckered out. So now we wait. We further updated our rent to include at least the next 12 days so we can comfortably wait it out for results and the next appointment.
Barb's last appointment was April 1st. They once again looked at the upper GI Tract, this time with a contrasting fluid. They were trying to rule out a leak even the though the ulcer is healed. Doc came to meet us and read the results as soon as she was done. The MRI was clean, the spot on the small intestine was nothing. Her lab work came back negative for the bacteria that caused the ulcer. The Upper GI Tract showed no fistulas, leaks, or sepsis contamination. SHE HAS A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. How wonderful tears of joy taste. We're back at the RV now and Barb is taking a long, well deserved nap. I'm sure she's mentally exhausted. I am. For now we'll be staying here as we are paid up for the next week. I talked to my neighbor today we're still not getting up our driveway. Ces't la vie....
During our stay here I prepared Broccoli Sausage Casserole, Crock Pot Chorizo Casserole, Cordon Bleu, Croque Madame, and Green Chile Tamales n Refried Beans to name a few. We also enjoyed foot long Coney Dogs from Sonic Drive In and one of the best take out pizzas in the country, Jet's Pizza. Sometimes healthy eating gets over ruled by cravings......yeah. Additionally, we picked up a Dearborn Ham for our freezer. We had one of these last fall for Thanksgiving and it was wonderful. I also solved our only shortcomings for the freezers. Found a fish market in Erie, MI (right on the Ohio border) that stocked not only fresh catfish, but turtle soup as well. Finished off our freezers with 9 pounds of beautiful catfish fillets and 1 quart of turtle soup.
Broccoli Sausage Casserole
Green Tamales, Sauce, Refried Beans, Cotija Cheese
Croque Madame
I can't say enough for the care that we received from the VA here in Ann Arbor and Dr. Prabhu in particular. We'll be here 2 more days then we will head north, but it is still 'destination unknown.' We will probably stop a couple of days at Little River Casino in Manistee. They have a reasonably priced campground. It is still white at home and there is plenty of snow to preclude our getting up the driveway to the house. For us, it's just finding somewhere to hang out till we can get home. I check with my neighbors weekly so we'll just see what we'll see.
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence"
Helen Keller
WiFi courtesy of Harbortown RV Park