Sunday, July 18, 2021

Home Now.......a view of the world


      It sure is good to be back home now in NW Michigan at our farm.   We had a wonderful time in South Central Texas beginning the adventure that is our new winter homestead.  Of course the trials and tribulations of the rest of our trip have been chronicled earlier.  I thank God every day for helping us to live through that.  My wife was the key.   We arrived to minimal winter damage to Brynmawr Farm even though our turnaround was to be about half the normal time.  Fair enough.  Barb tended to the inner house while I got the equipment, vehicles, and downed limbs taken care of.  We have decided to no longer grow an annual garden so this summer so I will be mowing over the weeds as they grow, leaving only the single 70' row of asparagus to cultivate.  

      It will be a short turnaround for us, leaving me too much time to contemplate some of the more important issues facing us.  COVID has been tempered some, but is nowhere near gone.  Neither of us have tested positive or have gotten the vax.  This may have to change.  We still have plans to visit Alaska at least once more including a cruise.  In addition we have dreams of traveling to Ireland.  Both of these will require us to become vaccinated.  I have been on the fence, but Barb is adamant that she will NOT GET THE VACCINATION.  As far as she is concerned this is not an issue for discussion.  This is a problem.  

      The world is still, and becoming even more, a crazier place.  I won't comment on the outgoing or incoming administration, but the end result is NOT GOOD for any of us.  The border is once again open and illegals are pouring across by the thousands.  This could be a problem for us at our winter place in Texas, but not so far.  I don't really think that as an incoming president the first thing you should do is to undo all the work the previous president has done, right or wrong.  You stopped the Keystone Pipeline again, only to put thousands of hard working union members out of work.  But, not to worry cause Warren Buffet and his railroad is carrying this load in place of the pipeline from Canada to the hub in Texas.  You remember him, one of your biggest supporters? 

     This is where the narrative comes in, the one the current party in charge lives by.  It doesn't have to be, and usually isn't the truth.  This goes back to Obama.  There must not be any border crisis.........the VP never showed up to investigate or address it even though asked to by the POTUS.  Going further the narrative shows that proposed legislation in reference to infrastructure is good for all of us, yet not all of it is destined for real infrastructure:  road, bridges, schools,  etc.  Now you promise many thousands of good paying union jobs in your plan.  The 'porkbelly' is always the real policy benefitting monies for illegals, benefits, opportunities for them, etc.  The opportunities for 'real immigration', and eventual citizenship has always been there.  Our country was, and I thought still is, a welcoming nation for peoples trying to find a better life for them and their families.  The right way.  We are a nation full of law abiding immigrants, thankful for the opportunity, providing valuable resources to all of us, asking only peace and the ability to live happily ever after.  However there is a significant number of those crossing have serious terrorist ties with a significant purpose.  Which leads me to wonder exactly what the POTUS is doing:  Are you trying to create future Democrat voters, or terrorists.  This isn't very clear.  I refuse to believe that POTUS is operating on diminished mental capacity.  Yet, the party narrative seems to be pretty defined.  

      I have a friend that told me several years back that she doesn't believe that any and all of this happening in national politics will ever effect us.  I found that profound and yet, plausible.  I wanted so much to believe that, but events since this election make me skeptical of the future even more so.  I have to look at the empirical evidence:   the left only believes that Trump and his policies were BAD and have stopped at nothing to overturn them, even at the expense of thousands of unemployed workers.  Yet only the middle class seems affected.  They continue the narrative of the rich corporations need to pay their fare share, but it never happens.  Warren Buffett, Bloomberg, and Mellon to name but a few have given hundreds of millions to this party.  The Democrats will never bite the hand that feeds them, but that is what the followers want to hear, what they need to hear, why they drink the Kool Aid and feed at the trough.  Compliance.......I won't even address COVID here except to state that future freedom dependent on vaccination certificates concerns me deeply.  

      I want to believe, regardless of my soul that this will all work out, but it is cathartic to occasionally vent, share your opinions, and invite debate, constructive non-combative debate.   Thank you.  

NOTE:  My wife's youngest sister passed away this morning, another victim of COVID. Barb has reversed her previous stand and we are both starting our vaccinations tomorrow.  This will be hard on her as currently there will not be a memorial service due to the recent eruption of COVID in Missouri and Arkansas.  

"We are never devoid of distresses; our peace of mind depends on our heart's way of accepting the strife"

Munia Khan

WiFi courtesy of AT & T Wireless

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